ELEC 456 - Mobile Communications
Course Project - Due March 31, 1999

The course project can either be a technical report or a computer implementation/simulation of some aspect of mobile communications. The only requirement for the topic chosen is that it must be relevant to mobile communications. To be sure of a potential for full marks, you should discuss your topic with me before proceeding.

Suggested report topics:
- Comparative analysis of competing strategies for high-capacity digital cellular systems: FDMA, CDMA, TDMA.
- Analysis of diversity techniques.
- Mobile satellite systems, e.g. Globalstar Canada, Iridium.
- FFH vs. DSS spread-spectrum modulation.
- Voice coding for digital communications.
- Forward error correction and coding.
- Digital modulation techniques for mobile radio.
- Indoor wireless systems (e.g., wireless networks).
- Adaptive equalization.

Suggested computer projects (use MATLAB, C++, C, Pascal, FORTRAN, ...):
- Simulation of a fading channel.
- Channel modeling.
- Modulation and demodulation.
- Bit-error rate analysis under interference conditions.
- Voice coding.

The course project accounts for 15% of your final mark. It will be marked using the following approximate guidelines:
Written Report
Technical Content and Accuracy 50%
Depth of Research and References 30%
Presentation 20%

Computer Simulation
Functionality and Robustness 35%
Coding Clarity and Modularity 15%
Technical Documentation 15%
Program Documentation and Examples 15%
Presentation 20%

Suggested References:
a) IEEE Transactions on: Communications, Vehicular Technology, Antennas and Propagation, etc.
b) IEEE Communications Magazine
c) IEEE Spectrum
d) Proceedings of the IEEE
e) The World-Wide Web
You may wish to start your research from a textbook and follow the reference threads from there.