Computer Engineering 465 / Electrical Engineering 543



Important Notice

Putty and X-win32

To access the lab software from your home PC please follow the instructions posted at

Reference Cards

These two VHDL reference cards will be made available to you during the midterm and final. No other course material or textbooks are permitted.


Synopsys Tools

Synopsys 1076 VHDL Analyzer and Debugger are the only software to be used in doing all course labs and projects.

Mentor Graphics Tools

If you have access to Mentor Graphics tools, then these tutorials might be helpful for you. Mentor graphics tools are not the standard tools to use for the course work.

Taking Simulation Snapshots

Within your lab submission, you are required to include snapshots of the simulation output.  Here is a list of some suggested methods to take these snapshots:
  1. The Synopsys simulator allows you to save the simulation results in postscript format. You can print the results later and attach them to the report. Check the Synopsys tutorial to find out how to save the results.
  2. Use the "Image Viewer" from the CDE Desktop applications. Right click on the mouse somewhere in the workspace and select the Applications -> Application Manager icon from the Desktop tool bar. Then select the Desktop_Apps group. There you will find the Image Viewer program. This program has a nice interface for taking snapshots of the screen or specific windows. It also allows for the snapshot to be saved in a variety of different formats.
  3. Use "xfig" found on most SUN workstations.
  4. Use "xv" found on most SUN workstations.
    1. When you run xv, a new window will pop.
    2. Click on the right mouse button.  Another window will pop up. Select grab from this window and set the time to 10. Click OK.
    3. Come back to the vhdl debugger window that has your waveforms and wait till you hear a bell.  Drag the left mouse button and grab the window.
    4. In the xv window you must save the waveform you just captured.  Choose the format you like (jpeg, eps, etc.).  Type the name of the file to save.
  5. Use the "snapshot" program found on some of the SUN workstations.
  6. You can also use the screen capture utility of Frame Maker (a unix editor). If you want to use the Frame Maker follow the steps below:
    1. Run the simulator and keep the simulation output in the simulator window.
    2. Open a Maker document (a new one or a previously saved one).
    3. Ensure that the simulator window is not hidden behind any other window.
    4. Select the menu option: File -> Utilities -> Capture. A capture dialog box appears, select a name for the picture and click on the Capture button.
    5. The cursor will have the shape of "+". Move the cursor to one of the simulator corners, drag to the other corner then release the mouse. The picture will be saved.
    6. Go to the Maker document and position the cursor to the place where you want to insert the picture. Select the menu option: File -> Import -> File. Then select the picture you already saved.

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