33 Thread support library [thread]

33.4 Mutual exclusion [thread.mutex]

33.4.6 Call once [thread.once] Struct once_­flag [thread.once.onceflag]

namespace std {
  struct once_flag {
    constexpr once_flag() noexcept;

    once_flag(const once_flag&) = delete;
    once_flag& operator=(const once_flag&) = delete;
The class once_­flag is an opaque data structure that call_­once uses to initialize data without causing a data race or deadlock.
constexpr once_flag() noexcept;
Effects: Constructs an object of type once_­flag.
Synchronization: The construction of a once_­flag object is not synchronized.
Postconditions: The object's internal state is set to indicate to an invocation of call_­once with the object as its initial argument that no function has been called. Function call_­once [thread.once.callonce]

template<class Callable, class... Args> void call_once(once_flag& flag, Callable&& func, Args&&... args);
INVOKE(std::forward<Callable>(func), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
(see [func.require]) shall be a valid expression.
Effects: An execution of call_­once that does not call its func is a passive execution.
An execution of call_­once that calls its func is an active execution.
An active execution shall call INVOKE(​std​::​forward<Callable>(func), std​::​forward<Args>(args)...).
If such a call to func throws an exception the execution is exceptional, otherwise it is returning.
An exceptional execution shall propagate the exception to the caller of call_­once.
Among all executions of call_­once for any given once_­flag: at most one shall be a returning execution; if there is a returning execution, it shall be the last active execution; and there are passive executions only if there is a returning execution.
Passive executions allow other threads to reliably observe the results produced by the earlier returning execution.
end note
Synchronization: For any given once_­flag: all active executions occur in a total order; completion of an active execution synchronizes with ([intro.multithread]) the start of the next one in this total order; and the returning execution synchronizes with the return from all passive executions.
Throws: system_­error when an exception is required ([thread.req.exception]), or any exception thrown by func.
// global flag, regular function
void init();
std::once_flag flag;

void f() {
  std::call_once(flag, init);

// function static flag, function object
struct initializer {
  void operator()();

void g() {
  static std::once_flag flag2;
  std::call_once(flag2, initializer());

// object flag, member function
class information {
  std::once_flag verified;
  void verifier();
  void verify() { std::call_once(verified, &information::verifier, *this); }
end example