1. Your University netlink has to be in the list of students with edit-permission of the website files

2. To add a new journal paper new patent or new thesis, you have to ssh to the website and edit one of the files:
- journals.txt
- patents.txt
- theses.txt

3. Add the new item to the top of the corresponding file.

4. The format of the enteries is like:

<script> ii=ii+1; </script><br><br><script> document.write(ii); </script>. Title, Authors, Journal name, Vol., pages (year)<br>[ <a href="abstract_files/Your_abstract_file_name.html" target = "_blank">abstract</a> | <a href="Doi_link" target = "_blank" >DOI</a> ]

5. You can look up the format from the existing enteries before making any change

6. Upload your abstract file or your pdf file to the corresponding folders.

7. The abstract file has to have a special format. Use one of the existing abstract files as a guidence.

8. The PHP codes in the folder "Filesforaddingpublication" can produce the enteries and abstract files authomatically. But you need to run them on a free server. The Uvic server does not allow them to act.

Have fun