lag_c Enter the vectors of the numerator (numo) and denominator (denum) pol. Start with the highest order term. Ex: [1 2 3] corr. (s^2 + 2 s + 3) Both vectors should have the same length Enter numo: [0 0 0 1] numo = 0 0 0 1 Enter deno: [.5 1.5 1 0] deno = 0.5000 1.5000 1.0000 0 OPEN-LOOP SYSTEM (without Compensator): num/den = 1 ---------------------- 0.5 s^3 + 1.5 s^2 + s Enter desired Kv: 5 Kv = 5 Warning: The closed-loop system is unstable. > In /package/matlab-6.5/toolbox/control/control/@lti/margin.m at line 89 In /package/matlab-6.5/toolbox/control/control/margin.m at line 92 In /home/pan/.www/ELEC360/compensat/lag_c.m at line 43 Phase margin "Pm" at the Gain crossover frq. "Wcp" Pm = -12.9919 Wcp = 1.8020 Gain margin "Gm" in dB at the Phase crossover frq " Wcg" Gm = -4.4370 Wcg = 1.4142 Zeros and poles of closed-loop system without compensator: zeros = Empty matrix: 0-by-1 poles = -3.3089 0.1545 + 1.7316i 0.1545 - 1.7316i Settling time "sett" and zeta "zeta" of same closed-loop system: sett = 1.2089 zeta = 1 Press CR to continue Press CR to continue Desired Phase margin in degrees (include an allowance for the effect of lag compensator): 52 Phase margin is "degree" degrees at w = "Wcg". degree = 52 Wcg = 0.4632 Try another Phase margin? (y/n): .46 Enter wc, new gain crossover frequency: .46 wc = 0.4600 Location of the zero of the compensator: .1 beta = 9.6236 bTt = 0.0104 Kc = 0.5196 Compensator: num/den = s + 0.1 ------------ s + 0.010391 Compensator gain Kc: Kc = 0.5196 Compensated Open-Loop trsf. function; num/den = 0.51955 s + 0.051955 ---------------------------------------------- 0.5 s^4 + 1.5052 s^3 + 1.0156 s^2 + 0.010391 s Phase margin "Pm" at the Gain crossover frq. "Wcp" Pm = 40.9439 Wcp = 0.4683 Gain margin "Gm" in dB at the Phase crossover frq " Wcg" Gm = 13.9713 Wcg = 1.3157 Zeros and poles of Closed-loop system with compensator: zeros = -0.1000 poles = -2.3245 -0.2823 + 0.5372i -0.2823 - 0.5372i -0.1214 Settling time "sett" and zeta "zeta" of compens. closed-loop system: sett = 14.1711 zeta = 0.4652 Press CR to continue Press CR to continue Enter decision ( >0 to continue) :0 decision = 0 diary