Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sampling in Control Systems. The z-transform and response
between sampling instants. Analysis of sampled data systems and
stability testing. State-space analysis and design of continuous
and discrete systems. Controllability, observability and zero input
stability analysis. Pole placement techniques.
(Prerequisite: ECE360 or ELEC360 or MECH380)
Click here for the Course Outline document.
Mondays and Thursdays, 8:30- 9:50 am, ELL 060.
Monday, February 24, 8:30- 9:40 am, Ell 060.
Two pages (a page is one side of a sheet) of notes and copies of z-transform tables are permitted.
Office hours:
Wednesdays, 10:00am-11:00am; The Wednesdays Office hours will be in person EOW 423.
Fridays, 1:30pm-02:30pm; The Friday Office hours will be on Zoom (Link TBA).
- Assignement problems (from section B of the textbook) will be posted here.
- Completed assignments should be submitted using UVic's Brightspace site by 6pm the date they are due.
Watch an example of assignment submission.
- Solutions to the assignments will be posted here.
Assignment #1 (Due Saturday, Jan 18)
Problem: Consider the unity negative feedback system with
1. Sketch the root locus.
2. Find Kv.
3. Sketch Bode and Nyquist plots.
4. Find K so that zeta=sqrt(2)/2 for the closed loop system.
5. Find phase and gain margins for this K.
6. Sketch the step and ramp responces of the closed loop system for this K.
7. Discuss the connection between Kv, zeta, margins and the responce of the closed loop system.
Copies of the lecture slides (in pdf format) are available here for downloading.
Course Lecture Notes
Unless otherwise noted, all course materials supplied to students in this course have been prepared by the instructor and are intended for use in this course only. These materials are NOT to be re-circulated digitally, whether by email or by uploading or copying to websites, or to others not enrolled in this course. Violation of this policy may in some cases constitute a breach of academic integrity as defined in the UVic Calendar.
1. Required
Title | : Discrete Time Control Systems, 2nd Edition
Author | : K. Ogata
Publisher | : Prentice-Hall
Year | : 1995
2. Recommended
3. For information on Matlab available at UVic computers see here
Assignments | : 5%
Mid-term | : 35% Monday, February 24
Final | : 60%
The final grade obtained from the above marking scheme for the purpose of GPA calculation will be based on the percentage-to-grade point conversion table as listed in the current Undergraduate Calendar.
Assignment of E grade and supplemental examination for this course will be at the discretion of the Course Instructor.More information and links to the detailed policies can be found in the course outline.
General Information on Policies and Regulations can be found in the Course Outline.
Continuously modified: January-April, 2025.