Amateur Radio licencing exam
This writer is a 'delegated
examiner' for Industry Canada to administer the Amateur Radio
licencing examinations. Please contact me if
There is an Amateur Radio
station set up in the Engineering
Laboratory Wing (ELW309) with
- several HF analog and software defined radio
transmitter-receivers (1-30 MHz),
interface to computers to operate digital modes
- access to yagi antennas for 14, 21,
28, 50 MHz,
- access to wire antennas for 3.5, 7,
10 MHz, and
- access to 50-1200 MHz discone and 144/432 MHz yagis.
Contact me if interested in obtaining access to the station for digital mode operation.
Links to some Amateur Radio
Radio Amateurs of Canada
American Radio Relay
Radio Amateur Satellite
TAPR (packet radio)