Lin Cai, Ph. D.
NSERC Steacie Fellow, EIC Fellow, CAE Fellow, Fellow of IEEE
College Member of Royal Society of Canada Dept. of Electrical &
Computer Engineering University of Victoria
Victoria, BC, Canada, V8W 3P6
Office: EOW 317
Tel: 1-250-721-8691
Fax: 1-250-721-6052
Email: cai at ece dot uvic dot ca
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[Victoria] Lin
received her M.A.Sc. and Ph. D. degrees (awarded Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies) in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. Since 2005, she has been with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria, and she is currently a Professor. She is an NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellow, an Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) Fellow, a Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) Fellow, and an IEEE Fellow. In 2020, she was elected as a Member of the Royal Society of Canada's College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. She was also elected as a 2020 "Star in Computer Networking and Communications" by N2Women.
Her research interests span several areas in communications and networking, with a focus on network protocol and architecture design supporting emerging multimedia traffic and the Internet of Things. She was a recipient of the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (DAS) Grants in 2010 and 2015, respectively, and the Best Paper Awards of IEEE ICC 2008 and IEEE WCNC 2011. She has co-founded and chaired the IEEE Victoria Section Vehicular Technology and Communications Joint Societies Chapter. She has been elected to serve the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Board of Governors, 2019 - 2024, and served its VP Mobile Radio, 2023. She served the voting Board Member of IEEE Women in Engineering, 2022 - 2023. She has served as an Associate Editor-in-Chief (AEiC) for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, a member of the Steering Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD) and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), an Associate Editor of the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Communications, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, International Journal of Sensor Networks, and Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), and as the Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE VTS Society and the IEEE ComSoc Society. She has served as a TPC co-chair for IEEE VTC2020-Fall, and a TPC symposium co-chair for IEEE Globecom'10 and Globecom'13. She is a registered professional engineer in British Columbia, Canada.
Wenjun Yang is a recipient of Charles S. Humphrey Graduate Student Award, UVic, 2022.
Xiangyu Ren is a recipient of Albert Hung Chao Hong Scholarships, UVic, 2022.
Dr. Minming Ni has been promoted to Manager of BluePlanet Analytics, Ciena Telecommunications, 2022.
Dr. Lin Cai has been recognized as an Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) Fellow, 2022.
Dr. Chengcheng Zhao is a recipient of the Young Talent Award by China Association for Science and Technology, 2022.
Dr. Ruonan Zhang is a recipient of the Excellent Supervision Award in School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2022.
Dr. Yongmin Zhang has been recognized as a "Top 30" Teaching Competition winner, Central South University, 2022.
Dr. Xiaolong Lan has been promoted to Associate Professor with PhD supervision qualification, Sichuan University, 2022.
Our alumni, Drs. Ruonan Zhang, Emad Shihab, Jianping He, and Kan Zhou participated in the "UVic Seeds of Change and Hope", introducing their contributions and impacts towards United Nation's 17 sustainable development goals, 2022.
Dr. Lin Cai has been appointed as a Distinguished Lecturer (DL) for IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), 2022.
Dr. Lin Cai has been elected to serve the Board of Governor of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2022-2024.
Hamed Mosavat-Jahromi has been awarded Charles S. Humphrey Graduate Student Award, 2020.
Lei Zhao has been awarded ECE Department Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award, Nov. 2020.
Wen Cui has been awarded M.A. & D.E. Breckenridge Graduate Awards,
Dr. Esme Foord Graduate Scholarship, and
Albert Hung Chao Hong Scholarships, 2020.
Hamed Mosavat-Jahromi is the recipient of the prestigious IEEE Transportation Electronics Fellowship for outstanding research contributions to vehicular communications and intelligent transportation systems, 2020.
Wen Cui has been awarded Albert Hung Chao Hong Scholarship, Nov. 2019.
Lei Zhao has been awarded the IEEE travel grant for attending IEEE Globecom'19, Dec. 2019.
Dr. Lin Cai has been the recipient of the NSERC E.W.R. Steacie
Memorial Fellowship, 2019. This is NSERC's most prestigious award to young researchers in Canadian universities, with 6 recipients annually across all science and engineering fields. Dr. Cai is the 12th recipient in the field of Electrical & Computer Engineering since the award was created in 1965.
Dr. Yongmin Zhang has joined Central South University, Changsha, China, as a Professor, 2019.
Dr. Yuanzhi Ni has been a faculty member with Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China, 2019.
Dr. Ruonan Zhang has been the recipient of the first-class Science and Technology Award from Shaanxi Province, China, 2019.
Dr. Yue Li has been awarded the Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad, China Scholarship Council, 2019.
Dr. Lin Cai has been elected to serve the Board of Governor of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2019-2021.
Hamed Mosavat has been awarded M.A. & D.E. Breckenridge Graduate Award, Nov. 2018.
Hamed Mosavat has been awarded the Melva J. Hason Graduate Scholarship, Nov. 2018.
Jiayi Chen has been recommended as the recipient of the 2017 Lieutenant Governor's Silver Medal for outstanding thesis.
Dr. Jianping He (now a faculty member with Shanghai Jiaotong University) has been selected for the Youth 1000 Talent Program in China, Dec. 2017.
Yue Li has been awarded Albert Hung Chao Hong Scholarship, Dec. 2017.
Hamed Mosavat has been awarded Charles S. Humphrey Graduate Student Award, Dec. 2017.
Yue Li has been awarded Donald Wagg Graduate Scholarship, Dec. 2016.
Yue Li has been awarded Charles S. Humphrey Graduate Student Award, Dec. 2016.
Dr. Lin Cai has been appointed as a Distinguished Lecturer (DL) for IEEE VTS society, starting from July 2015.
Zhe Wei has been awarded the IEEE travel grant for attending IEEE ICC 2015, June 2015.
Dr. Jianping He has been the recipent of the Leadership Award of Communication Networks Group, 2014.
Kan Zhou has been awarded the IEEE travel grant for attending IEEE Infocom 2014, April/May 2014.
Kan Zhou has won the 2nd prize in the 3 minute thesis competition (Engineering and Computer Science group), Feb. 2014.
Lei Zheng has been the recipent of the Leadership Award of Communication Networks Group, 2013.
Xuan Wang has been awarded Alexander and Helen Stafford MacCarthy Muir Graduate Scholarship, 2013.
Dr. Zhe Yang has joined Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an, China with exceptional promotion to Associate Professor, 2013.
Zhe Yang has been awarded Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad, 2013.
Dr. Emad Shihab joined the Dept. of Software Engineering at the
Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY as an Assistant
Prof. in September, 2012.
Zhe Yang has been awarded the IEEE Travel Grant for attending IEEE Infocom'12, Mar. 2012.
Lei Zheng has been awarded the IEEE Travel Grant for attending IEEE Globecom'11, Dec. 2011.
Our alumni, Dr. Ruonan Zhang, has been awarded the "New Century
Excellent Talents" (新世纪优秀人才支持计划) award in China, Nov. 2011.
Zhe Yang has been awarded the Robert W. Ford Graduate
Scholarships and B & C Food Distributors Graduate
Scholarship, Nov. 2011.
Xuan Wang has been awarded IEEE Pacific Rim Wu-Sheng Lu Graduate
Scholarships, Nov. 2011.
Zhe Yang has been awarded the IEEE Travel Grant for attending
IEEE ICNP'11, Oct. 2011.
Siyuan Xiang has won the 3rd-place prize in the 2011 BCNET
Digital Media Challenge student competition, Vancouver, May 6, 2011,
for his project entitled "Scalable streaming - adaptive scalable video
streaming over HTTP".
Yuanqian Luo and Lin Cai are the recipients of the IEEE WCNC'11
Best Academic Paper Award.
Siyuan Xiang got the IEEE travel grant for attending IEEE ICC
2011, June 2011.
Zhe Yang got the 2010/2011 Albert Hung Chao Hong award, Nov.
Dr. Ruonan Zhang has joined Northwestern Polytechnical
University in Xi'an, China with exceptional promotion to Associate
Professor, May 2010. He has been nominated for the CAGS/UMI
Distinguished Dissertation Awards by University Graduate Studies Awards
Yuanqian Luo got the IEEE ComSoc travel grant for attending IEEE
ICC 2010, May 2010.
Yi Dong, Bo Li, Xudong Liu, and Yangke Xiao have won the
3rd-place prize in the 2010 BCNET Broadband
Innovation Challenge, May
2010, for their project entitled "Software
Defined Radio for Long Distance Walkie-Talkie".
Dr. Ruonan Zhang got the
Government Award for Outstanding
Self-financed Students Abroad, March 2010.
Zhe Yang got the IEEE ComSoc travel grant for attending IEEE
Infocom 2010, Mar. 2010.
Zhe Yang has been nominated by NSERC for the prestigious Vanier
CGS award, Jan. 2010.
Ruonan Zhang got the 2009/2010 Albert Hung Chao Hong award, Nov.
Fengdan Wan's thesis has been selected for the final competition
(only four theses are selected in the final competition list) by the
WAGS/UMI distinguished master thesis awards committee, Oct.
Emad Shihab has been awarded NSERC PGS D3 and NSERC CGS
scholarships, 2009 and 2010, respectively. He
has also been awarded Wlater C. Sumner Fellowship, 2009.