I am currently involved in a few administrative roles.

I have the dual role of being the Educational Activities Chair of the IEEE Victoria Section as well as the Advisor for the University of Victoria's IEEE Student Branch. Through these roles I intend to introduce IEEE to more students and professionals by organizing many useful activities.

HighTechU ECE
I am also involved in the coordination of the HighTechU ECE program. The program's objective is to introduce Electrical & Computer Engineering aspects to high school students through a fun-filled hands on learning experience. The participants of the program will design solutions pertaining to one of the three themes: (i) Smart Systems (ii) Environment (iii) Human Health.

FSAE Electric
I am affiliated with the engineering student club that is working towards building a FSAE Electric car. The aim is to participate in the 2021 FSAE Electric competition.

Roles in other committees
I serve on a few committees too. Here is the list.