1. ECE260 — Video-Lecture Schedule — 2024-09¶
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1.1 Preamble¶
The vast majority of the instructional content for the course is provided in the form of prerecorded video lectures. This document identifies all of the video lectures that a student must watch and provides a schedule indicating the minimum pace at which the material in these video lectures can be covered. It is important to understand that the provided schedule corresponds to the slowest pace at which a student could watch the video lectures and still have a reasonable expectation of a favorable outcome in the course. It is absolutely critical that students not fall behind the minimum-pace schedule presented. Furthermore, each student is encouraged, to whatever extent is possible, to cover the course material at a faster pace than that indicated in the provided schedule in order to give the student more breathing room for handling unanticipated events that could cause unexpected delays on the work in this course (such as illness or Internet/power outages). It is critically important that the student watch the video lectures far enough in advance that they have sufficient time to ask questions about the lecture material and gain a reasonable understanding of it before the time at which they need to use their knowledge of the material for an assignment or exam.
In order to maximize the chances of a positive outcome in the course, students are strongly recommended to heed the following advice with respect to video-lecture viewing:
Work ahead. The student is encouraged to work ahead to the greatest extent that is practical. By working ahead, the student will maximize their protection against the many (unexpected) factors that can cause a student to fall behind. Due to the nature of the material covered in the course, falling behind can often have disastrous consequences for a student (i.e., failing the course).
Plan for the unexpected. When a student is establishing their viewing schedule for the video lectures, it is extremely important to leave some margin for error to account for unanticipated events. That is, it is inevitable that, from time to time during the term, unexpected circumstances will arise that slow a student's progress (e.g., illness, computer problems, Internet-connectivity problems, and so on). Therefore, it is extremely important that some extra margin for error be included in the planned viewing schedule to account for these types of circumstances.
Avoid binge watching. The student should avoid binge watching video lectures at all costs. It is impossible to develop a good understanding of material covered in binge watched video lectures.
1.2 Critical Assumptions Made By This Video-Lecture Schedule¶
This schedule is a minimum-pace schedule. That is, the schedule corresponds to the slowest pace with which a student can cover the lecture material and still have a reasonable expectation of a positive outcome in the course. This schedule tacitly assumes that a student completes each assignment exercise as soon as the corresponding material in the video lectures is covered. Therefore, when the schedule indicates that a particular video lecture should be completed on a particular day, it is assumed that this means that the student will be almost done all assignment exercises that relate to that video on that same day or possibly the next day. If this assumption is violated (e.g., if a student does not begin work on assignment exercises until after having first watched all of the relevant videos), the video lectures will need to be watched at a faster pace than what is indicated in the schedule provided.
1.3 Video-Lecture Schedule¶
The minimum-pace lecture schedule is as given below. The names of videos and slides referenced below correspond to the ones used in the video-lecture catalog document (available from the Video Lectures section of the course website).
Again, the schedule provided corresponds to the absolute slowest pace at which students might reasonably expect to consume lecture content in the course. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to work ahead of this schedule. Also, although the various milestones in this schedule are specified with respect to the days on which the scheduled lecture time slots for the course fall, this is not meant to imply that students should only watch video lectures on these days. Spreading the video-lecture workload over all days of the week is likely to be highly beneficial.
Please be aware that a significant amount of manual data entry is required in the preparation of the information in this schedule. Manual data entry is always somewhat error prone. Although the instructor has done his best to try to ensure the correctness of this information, some errors are likely inevitable. If you notice any errors in this information, please inform the instructor so that he can correct them.
The indication of exam dates and due dates for assignments is only intended to be approximate. Please consult the course outline for the exam dates. Please consult the Brightspace site for the exact submission deadlines for assignments.
This schedule information will be updated throughout the term in order to make improvements and/or corrections. Therefore, you are advised to refer directly to this online document (whenever you have a working Internet connection) instead of relying on your own separate copy (e.g., made by printing this web page to a PDF document using your web browser). The date/time of the last revision of the schedule information is given in a note below.
The following schedule was last revised: 2024-09-20 at 15:28:31.
1.3.1 Week 1: Sep 02—06, 2024¶ Lecture 1: Wed Sep 04, 2024¶
- Introduction
- 00:00—00:18: [intro] Unit: Introduction
- 00:18—01:41: [intro] Signals
- 01:41—06:01: [intro] Classification of Signals
- 06:01—07:09: [intro] Graphical Representation of Signals
- 07:09—07:44: [intro] Systems
- 07:44—09:19: [intro] Classification of Systems
- 09:19—11:50: [intro] Signal Processing Systems
- 11:50—14:01: [intro] Communication Systems
- 14:01—17:52: [intro] Control Systems
- 17:52—20:03: [intro] Why Study Signals and Systems?
- 20:03—22:41: [intro] System Failure Example: Tacoma Narrows Bridge
- 22:41—23:12: [intro] System Failure Example: Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Continued) Lecture 2: Fri Sep 06, 2024¶
- Complex Analysis
- 00:00—00:26: [complex] Unit: Complex Analysis
- 00:26—01:45: [complex] Complex Numbers
- 01:45—03:07: [complex] Complex Numbers (Continued)
- 03:07—03:58: [complex] Geometric Interpretation of Cartesian and Polar Forms
- 03:58—07:14: [complex] The arctan Function
- 07:14—08:32: [complex] The atan2 Function
- 08:32—09:46: [complex] Conversion Between Cartesian and Polar Form
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 1) Exercise A.1 c [convert to Cartesian form]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 1) Exercise A.2 b d [convert to polar form, principal argument]
- 09:46—11:02: [complex] Properties of Complex Numbers
- 11:02—12:08: [complex] Conjugation
- 12:08—13:37: [complex] Properties of Conjugation
- 13:37—14:38: [complex] Addition
- 14:38—15:44: [complex] Multiplication
- 15:44—17:47: [complex] Division
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 1) Exercise A.3 a b f g [complex arithmetic]
- 17:47—18:56: [complex] Properties of the Magnitude and Argument
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 1) Exercise A.5 c f [magnitude/argument]
- 18:56—20:06: [complex] Euler's Relation and De Moivre's Theorem
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 1) Exercise A.4 b e [properties of complex numbers]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 1) Exercise A.6 b [Euler's relation]
- 20:06—21:05: [complex] Roots of Complex Numbers
- 21:05—22:04: [complex] Quadratic Formula
- 22:04—23:35: [complex] Complex Functions
- 23:35—25:11: [complex] Continuity
- 25:11—26:40: [complex] Differentiability
- 26:40—27:53: [complex] Open Disks
- 27:53—29:51: [complex] Analyticity
- 29:51—30:27: [complex] Example A.10
- 30:27—31:25: [complex] Example A.11
- 31:25—35:20: [complex] Zeros and Singularities
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 1) Exercise A.11 c d [continuity, differentiability, analyticity]
- 35:20—39:00: [complex] Zeros and Poles of a Rational Function
- 39:00—45:42: [complex] Example A.12
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 1.
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 1) Exercise A.13 b c [poles/zeros]
1.3.2 Week 2: Sep 09—13, 2024¶ Lecture 3: Tue Sep 10, 2024¶
Preliminaries — Introduction
00:00—00:25: [prelim] Unit: Preliminaries
NOTE : If a refresher on MATLAB is needed, the following playlist might be helpful: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbHYdvrWBMxZABw5WokMPF9GYgeI55Crj.
NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise D.1 a b c d e [MATLAB: identifiers]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise D.2 a b c d [MATLAB: expressions]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise D.3 [MATLAB: temperature conversion, looping]
Preliminaries — Functions, Sequences, System Operators, and Transforms
- 00:00—00:11: [prelim] Section: Functions, Sequences, System Operators, and Transforms
- 00:11—01:07: [prelim] Sets
- 01:07—03:41: [prelim] Notation for Intervals on the Real Line
- 03:41—06:19: [prelim] Mappings
- 06:19—09:59: [prelim] Functions
- 09:59—15:58: [prelim] Example 2.2
- 15:58—19:42: [prelim] Sequences
- 19:42—22:48: [prelim] System Operators
- 22:48—28:21: [prelim] Remarks on Operator Notation for CT Systems
- 28:21—30:08: [prelim] Example 2.6
- 30:08—31:38: [prelim] Example 2.7
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 2.1 a b c d [notation]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 2.2 a b c d e f g h i [notation]
- 31:38—32:49: [prelim] Transforms
- 32:49—33:33: [prelim] Examples of Transforms
Preliminaries — Signal Properties
- 00:00—00:10: [prelim] Section: Properties of Signals
- 00:10—01:53: [prelim] Even Symmetry
- 01:53—03:59: [prelim] Odd Symmetry
- 03:59—05:04: [prelim] Conjugate Symmetry
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 3.9 c d [even/odd symmetry]
- 05:04—06:46: [prelim] Periodicity
- 06:46—07:49: [prelim] Periodicity (Continued 1)
- 07:49—08:59: [prelim] Periodicity (Continued 2)
CT Signals and Systems — Introduction
- 00:00—00:22: [ctsigsys] Unit: Continuous-Time (CT) Signals and Systems
CT Signals and Systems — Independent/Dependent-Variable Transformations
- 00:00—00:18: [ctsigsys] Section: Independent- and Dependent-Variable Transformations
- 00:18—01:24: [ctsigsys] Time Shifting (Translation)
- 01:24—03:17: [ctsigsys] Time Shifting (Translation): Example
- 03:17—04:45: [ctsigsys] Time Reversal (Reflection)
- 04:45—06:02: [ctsigsys] Time Compression/Expansion (Dilation)
- 06:02—08:04: [ctsigsys] Time Compression/Expansion (Dilation): Example Lecture 4: Wed Sep 11, 2024¶
CONTINUED: CT Signals and Systems — Independent/Dependent-Variable Transformations
- 08:04—10:21: [ctsigsys] Time Scaling (Dilation/Reflection)
- 10:21—11:57: [ctsigsys] Time Scaling (Dilation/Reflection): Example
- 11:57—19:36: [ctsigsys] Combined Time Scaling and Time Shifting
- 19:36—25:55: [ctsigsys] Exercise 3.3
- 25:55—28:26: [ctsigsys] Combined Time Scaling and Time Shifting: Example
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 3.1 f [time/amplitude transformations]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 3.2 a [time tranformations]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 3.4 a b c d [time/amplitude transformations]
- 28:26—31:14: [ctsigsys] Two Perspectives on Independent-Variable Transformations
- 31:14—33:26: [ctsigsys] Demonstration: Two Views of Time-Shifting Transformations
- 33:26—35:19: [ctsigsys] Amplitude Scaling
- 35:19—36:11: [ctsigsys] Amplitude Shifting
- 36:11—38:00: [ctsigsys] Combined Amplitude Scaling and Amplitude Shifting
CT Signals and Systems — Function Properties
- 00:00—00:11: [ctsigsys] Section: Properties of Functions
- 00:11—02:28: [ctsigsys] Symmetry and Addition/Multiplication
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 3.10 b [symmetry and sums/products]
- 02:28—04:48: [ctsigsys] Decomposition of a Function into Even and Odd Parts
- 04:48—08:17: [ctsigsys] Theorem 3.1
- 08:17—11:50: [ctsigsys] Sum of Periodic Functions
- 11:50—14:00: [ctsigsys] Example 3.2
- 14:00—17:17: [ctsigsys] Example 3.4
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 3.6 e f g [periodicity]
- 17:17—19:49: [ctsigsys] Right-Sided Functions
- NOTE : Assignment 1: Due approximately on the day of today's lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline. Lecture 5: Fri Sep 13, 2024¶
CONTINUED: CT Signals and Systems — Function Properties
CT Signals and Systems — Elementary Functions
- 00:00—00:17: [ctsigsys] Section: Elementary Functions
- 00:17—00:49: [ctsigsys] Real Sinusoidal Functions
- 00:49—01:23: [ctsigsys] Complex Exponential Functions
- 01:23—02:35: [ctsigsys] Real Exponential Functions
- 02:35—03:49: [ctsigsys] Complex Sinusoidal Functions
- 03:49—04:15: [ctsigsys] Complex Sinusoidal Functions (Continued)
- 04:15—05:14: [ctsigsys] Plots of Complex Sinusoidal Functions
- 05:14—07:00: [ctsigsys] General Complex Exponential Functions
- 07:00—07:44: [ctsigsys] General Complex Exponential Functions (Continued)
- 07:44—09:08: [ctsigsys] Unit-Step Function
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 3.17 c [causal, even/odd decomposition, signal transformations, unit-step function]
- 09:08—09:50: [ctsigsys] Signum Function
- 09:50—10:59: [ctsigsys] Rectangular Function
- 10:59—12:55: [ctsigsys] Cardinal Sine Function
- 12:55—17:25: [ctsigsys] Unit-Impulse Function
- 17:25—19:55: [ctsigsys] Unit-Impulse Function as a Limit
- 19:55—22:17: [ctsigsys] Properties of the Unit-Impulse Function
- 22:17—24:23: [ctsigsys] Figure: Graphical Interpretation of Equivalence Property
- 24:23—25:55: [ctsigsys] Example 3.8
- 25:55—29:34: [ctsigsys] Example 3.9
- 29:34—36:30: [ctsigsys] Example 3.10
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 2A.
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2A) Exercise 3.20 a b c f [properties of delta function]
- 36:30—39:08: [ctsigsys] Representing a Rectangular Pulse (Using Unit-Step Functions)
- 39:08—43:06: [ctsigsys] Example 3.11
1.3.3 Week 3: Sep 16—20, 2024¶ Lecture 6: Tue Sep 17, 2024¶
CONTINUED: CT Signals and Systems — Elementary Functions
- 43:06—44:21: [ctsigsys] Representing Functions Using Unit-Step Functions
- 44:21—51:59: [ctsigsys] Example 3.12
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise 3.22 c [representations using unit-step function]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise D.4 a b c [MATLAB: write unit-step function]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise 3.201 a f [MATLAB: element-wise operations, case collapsing]
CT Signals and Systems — Systems
CT Signals and Systems — System Properties
- 00:00—00:11: [ctsigsys] Section: Properties of (CT) Systems
- 00:11—02:45: [ctsigsys] Memory
- 02:45—04:42: [ctsigsys] Memory (Continued)
- 04:42—06:09: [ctsigsys] Example 3.15
- 06:09—08:02: [ctsigsys] Example 3.16
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise 3.24 d g [memoryless]
- 08:02—11:14: [ctsigsys] Causality
- 11:14—12:58: [ctsigsys] Causality (Continued)
- 12:58—14:36: [ctsigsys] Example 3.19
- 14:36—16:28: [ctsigsys] Example 3.20
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise 3.25 b f [causal]
- 16:28—20:53: [ctsigsys] Invertibility
- 20:53—22:39: [ctsigsys] Invertibility (Continued)
- 22:39—27:28: [ctsigsys] Example 3.23
- 27:28—31:22: [ctsigsys] Example 3.24
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise 3.26 b e [invertible]
- 31:22—34:57: [ctsigsys] Bounded-Input Bounded-Output (BIBO) Stability
- NOTE : Assignment 2A: Due approximately on the day of today's lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline. Lecture 7: Wed Sep 18, 2024¶
- CONTINUED: CT Signals and Systems — System Properties
- 34:57—37:46: [ctsigsys] Example 3.27
- 37:46—40:37: [ctsigsys] Example 3.28
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise 3.27 d e [BIBO stable]
- 40:37—43:30: [ctsigsys] Time Invariance (TI)
- 43:30—44:59: [ctsigsys] Time Invariance (Continued)
- 44:59—47:28: [ctsigsys] Example 3.32
- 47:28—51:27: [ctsigsys] Example 3.33
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise 3.28 b d [time invariant]
- 51:27—56:03: [ctsigsys] Additivity, Homogeneity, and Linearity
- 56:03—58:38: [ctsigsys] Additivity, Homogeneity, and Linearity (Continued 1)
- 58:38—01:00:21: [ctsigsys] Additivity, Homogeneity, and Linearity (Continued 2)
- 01:00:21—01:03:58: [ctsigsys] Example 3.35
- 01:03:58—01:08:59: [ctsigsys] Example 3.36
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise 3.29 b e [linear]
- 01:08:59—01:10:44: [ctsigsys] Eigenfunctions of Systems
- 01:10:44—01:14:19: [ctsigsys] Example 3.41
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 2B.
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 2B) Exercise 3.33 b [eigenfunctions] Lecture 8: Fri Sep 20, 2024¶
CT LTI Systems — Introduction
- 00:00—00:52: [ctltisys] Unit: Continuous-Time Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3A) Exercise 4.9 [meaning of LTI]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3A) Exercise D.5 [MATLAB: plot, abs, angle, complex numbers]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3B) Exercise D.8 a b [MATLAB: graphic patterns]
- 00:52—02:23: [ctltisys] Why Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems?
- 00:00—00:52: [ctltisys] Unit: Continuous-Time Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems
CT LTI Systems — Convolution
- 00:00—00:15: [ctltisys] Section: Convolution
- 00:15—03:32: [ctltisys] CT Convolution
- 03:32—10:46: [ctltisys] Example X.4.1
- 10:46—14:25: [ctltisys] Practical Convolution Computation
- 14:25—34:26: [ctltisys] Example 4.1
- 34:26—46:21: [ctltisys] Exercise 4.18(u)
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3A) Exercise 4.1 e f [compute convolution]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3A) Exercise 4.3 b g [compute convolution]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3A) Exercise 4.5 [manipulation of expressions involving convolution]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3A) Exercise 4.6 a [convolution property proof]
- 46:21—49:03: [ctltisys] Properties of Convolution
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 3A.
- NOTE : Assignment 2B: Due approximately on the day of today's lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline.
1.3.4 Week 4: Sep 23—27, 2024¶ Lecture 9: Tue Sep 24, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required. Lecture 10: Wed Sep 25, 2024¶
- NOTE : This is the approximate date of Exam 1 (CT Signals and Systems). Lecture 11: Fri Sep 27, 2024¶
CONTINUED: CT LTI Systems — Convolution
CT LTI Systems — Convolution and LTI Systems
- 00:00—00:19: [ctltisys] Section: Convolution and LTI Systems
- 00:19—03:03: [ctltisys] Impulse Response
- 03:03—07:14: [ctltisys] Theorem 4.5
- 07:14—10:52: [ctltisys] Example 4.5
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3B) Exercise 4.11 a b c [find impulse response]
- 10:52—12:52: [ctltisys] Step Response
- 12:52—13:31: [ctltisys] Block Diagram Representation of LTI Systems
- 13:31—16:31: [ctltisys] Interconnection of LTI Systems
- 16:31—25:28: [ctltisys] Example 4.7
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3B) Exercise 4.12 a b [impulse response and series/parallel interconnection]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3B) Exercise 4.13 b c [convolution, impulse response, system interconnection]
CT LTI Systems — Properties of LTI Systems
- 00:00—00:35: [ctltisys] Section: Properties of LTI Systems
- 00:35—04:03: [ctltisys] Memory
- 04:03—06:21: [ctltisys] Example 4.8
- 06:21—07:14: [ctltisys] Example 4.9
- 07:14—09:32: [ctltisys] Causality
- 09:32—12:09: [ctltisys] Example 4.10
- 12:09—14:29: [ctltisys] Example 4.11
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3B) Exercise 4.14 a f g [causality, memory]
- NOTE : Assignment 3A: Due approximately sometime between the day of today's lecture and the day of the next lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline.
1.3.5 Week 5: Sep 30 — Oct 04, 2024¶ Holiday: Mon Sep 30, 2024¶ Lecture 12: Tue Oct 01, 2024¶
CONTINUED: CT LTI Systems — Properties of LTI Systems
- 14:29—16:39: [ctltisys] Invertibility
- 16:39—20:12: [ctltisys] Example 4.12
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3B) Exercise 4.16 [inverse system]
- 20:12—21:56: [ctltisys] BIBO Stability
- 21:56—27:32: [ctltisys] Example 4.14
- 27:32—32:22: [ctltisys] Example 4.15
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3B) Exercise 4.15 a b [BIBO stability]
- 32:22—35:10: [ctltisys] Eigenfunctions of LTI Systems
- 35:10—38:07: [ctltisys] Representations of Functions Using Eigenfunctions
- 38:07—41:29: [ctltisys] Example: Corollary of Theorem 4.12
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 3B) Exercise 4.17 a [system function, eigenfunction]
- 41:29—46:03: [ctltisys] Example 4.16
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 3B.
- 00:00—04:53: Interlude Lecture 13: Wed Oct 02, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required.
- NOTE : Assignment 3B: Due approximately sometime between the day of today's lecture and the day of the next lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline. Lecture 14: Fri Oct 04, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required.
1.3.6 Week 6: Oct 07—11, 2024¶ Lecture 15: Tue Oct 08, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required. Lecture 16: Wed Oct 09, 2024¶
- NOTE : This is the approximate date of Exam 2 (CT LTI Systems). Lecture 17: Fri Oct 11, 2024¶
CT Fourier Series — Introduction
CT Fourier Series — Fourier Series
- 00:00—00:16: [ctfs] Section: Fourier Series
- 00:16—01:42: [ctfs] Harmonically-Related Complex Sinusoids
- 01:42—03:51: [ctfs] CT Fourier Series
- 03:51—06:37: [ctfs] CT Fourier Series (Continued)
- 06:37—13:28: [ctfs] Example 5.1
- 13:28—19:23: [ctfs] Example 5.3
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 4) Exercise 5.1 a c [find Fourier series]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 4) Exercise 5.2 c [find Fourier series]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 4) Exercise 5.3 a [find Fourier series]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 4) Exercise 5.7 b [odd harmonic proof]
CT Fourier Series — Convergence Properties of Fourier Series
- 00:00—00:32: [ctfs] Section: Convergence Properties of Fourier Series
- 00:32—06:06: [ctfs] Remarks on Equality of Functions
- 06:06—08:48: [ctfs] Convergence of Fourier Series
- 08:48—10:38: [ctfs] Convergence of Fourier Series (Continued)
- 10:38—11:40: [ctfs] Convergence of Fourier Series: Continuous Case
- 11:40—12:55: [ctfs] Convergence of Fourier Series: Finite-Energy Case
- 12:55—17:21: [ctfs] Dirichlet Conditions
- 17:21—18:50: [ctfs] Convergence of Fourier Series: Dirichlet Case
- 18:50—22:14: [ctfs] Example 5.6
- 22:14—23:28: [ctfs] Gibbs Phenomenon
- 23:28—23:41: [ctfs] Gibbs Phenomenon: Periodic Square Wave Example
- 23:41—28:15: [ctfs] Gibbs Phenomenon: Periodic Square Wave Example [Annotated]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 4) Exercise 5.201 a b c [MATLAB: Fourier series convergence]
CT Fourier Series — Properties of Fourier Series
1.3.7 Week 7: Oct 14—18, 2024¶ Holiday: Mon Oct 14, 2024¶ Lecture 18: Tue Oct 15, 2024¶
CONTINUED: CT Fourier Series — Properties of Fourier Series
CT Fourier Series — Fourier Series and Frequency Spectra
- 00:00—00:20: [ctfs] Section: Fourier Series and Frequency Spectra
- 00:20—01:50: [ctfs] A New Perspective on Functions: The Frequency Domain
- 01:50—04:53: [ctfs] Motivating Example
- 04:53—07:01: [ctfs] Motivating Example (Continued)
- 07:01—10:10: [ctfs] Fourier Series and Frequency Spectra
- 10:10—12:20: [ctfs] Fourier Series and Frequency Spectra (Continued)
- 12:20—20:20: [ctfs] Example 5.7
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 4) Exercise 5.9 [find/plot frequency spectrum]
- 20:20—22:08: [ctfs] Frequency Spectra of Real Functions
CT Fourier Series — Fourier Series and LTI Systems
- 00:00—00:22: [ctfs] Section: Fourier Series and LTI Systems
- 00:22—03:26: [ctfs] Frequency Response
- 03:26—05:24: [ctfs] Fourier Series and LTI Systems
- 05:24—09:27: [ctfs] Example 5.9
- 09:27—10:42: [ctfs] Filtering
- 10:42—12:05: [ctfs] Ideal Lowpass Filter
- 12:05—13:26: [ctfs] Ideal Highpass Filter
- 13:26—15:20: [ctfs] Ideal Bandpass Filter
- 15:20—25:47: [ctfs] Example 5.10
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 4.
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 4) Exercise 5.10 [filtering] Lecture 19: Wed Oct 16, 2024¶
CT Fourier Transform — Introduction
CT Fourier Transform — Fourier Transform
- 00:00—00:13: [ctft] Section: Fourier Transform
- 00:13—01:44: [ctft] Development of the Fourier Transform [Aperiodic Case]
- 01:44—03:58: [ctft] Development of the Fourier Transform [Aperiodic Case] (Continued)
- 03:58—05:33: [ctft] Generalized Fourier Transform
- 05:33—07:12: [ctft] CT Fourier Transform (CTFT)
- 07:12—09:43: [ctft] Example 6.1
- 09:43—12:44: [ctft] Example 6.3
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5A) Exercise 6.1 c d [find Fourier transform by first principles]
CT Fourier Transform — Convergence Properties
- 00:00—00:32: [ctft] Section: Convergence Properties of the Fourier Transform
- 00:32—02:26: [ctft] Convergence of the Fourier Transform
- 02:26—04:14: [ctft] Convergence of the Fourier Transform: Finite-Energy Case
- 04:14—08:45: [ctft] Dirichlet Conditions
- 08:45—10:45: [ctft] Convergence of the Fourier Transform: Dirichlet Case
- 10:45—13:44: [ctft] Example 6.6
CT Fourier Transform — Properties of the Fourier Transform
- 00:00—00:19: [ctft] Section: Properties of the Fourier Transform
- 00:19—00:36: [ctft] Properties of the (CT) Fourier Transform
- 00:36—00:52: [ctft] Properties of the (CT) Fourier Transform (Continued)
- 00:52—02:08: [ctft] (CT) Fourier Transform Pairs
- 02:08—03:09: [ctft] Linearity
- 03:09—05:33: [ctft] Example 6.7
- 05:33—06:24: [ctft] Time-Domain Shifting (Translation)
- 06:24—11:37: [ctft] Example 6.9
- 11:37—12:24: [ctft] Frequency-Domain Shifting (Modulation)
- 12:24—17:40: [ctft] Example 6.10
- 17:40—18:42: [ctft] Time- and Frequency-Domain Scaling (Dilation)
- 18:42—23:01: [ctft] Example 6.11
- NOTE : Assignment 4: Due approximately sometime between the day of today's lecture and the day of the next lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline. Lecture 20: Fri Oct 18, 2024¶
- CONTINUED: CT Fourier Transform — Properties of the Fourier Transform
- 23:01—23:53: [ctft] Conjugation
- 23:53—24:56: [ctft] Example 6.12
- 24:56—30:35: [ctft] Duality
- 30:35—33:15: [ctft] Example 6.13
- 33:15—34:35: [ctft] Time-Domain Convolution
- 34:35—37:34: [ctft] Example 6.14
- 37:34—39:58: [ctft] Time-Domain Multiplication
- 39:58—45:09: [ctft] Example 6.15
- 45:09—46:48: [ctft] Time-Domain Differentiation
- 46:48—48:26: [ctft] Example 6.16
- 48:26—49:15: [ctft] Frequency-Domain Differentiation
- 49:15—51:20: [ctft] Example 6.17
- 51:20—53:00: [ctft] Time-Domain Integration
- 53:00—55:22: [ctft] Example 6.18
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5A) Exercise 6.3 c d e f g [find Fourier transform]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5A) Exercise 6.4 a b c d e f [find Fourier transform]
- 55:22—56:54: [ctft] Parseval's Relation
- 56:54—59:12: [ctft] Example 6.19
- 59:12—59:53: [ctft] Even/Odd Symmetry
- 59:53—01:01:33: [ctft] Real Functions
- 01:01:33—01:01:47: [ctft] More Fourier Transforms
- 01:01:47—01:07:21: [ctft] Example 6.26
- 01:07:21—01:16:00: [ctft] Exercise 6.5(g)
1.3.8 Week 8: Oct 21—25, 2024¶ Lecture 21: Tue Oct 22, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required. Lecture 22: Wed Oct 23, 2024¶
- NOTE : This is the approximate date of Exam 3 (CT Fourier Series). Lecture 23: Fri Oct 25, 2024¶
CONTINUED: CT Fourier Transform — Properties of the Fourier Transform
- 01:16:00—01:22:01: [ctft] Exercise 6.2(j)
CT Fourier Transform — Fourier Transform of Periodic Functions
- 00:00—00:25: [ctft] Section: Fourier Transform of Periodic Functions
- 00:25—03:21: [ctft] Fourier Transform of Periodic Functions
- 03:21—05:08: [ctft] Fourier Transform of Periodic Functions (Continued)
- 05:08—07:03: [ctft] Example 6.20
- 07:03—10:00: [ctft] Example 6.21
- 10:00—12:54: [ctft] Example 6.24
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5A) Exercise 6.5 a [find Fourier transform of periodic signal]
CT Fourier Transform — Fourier Transform and Frequency Spectra of Functions
- 00:00—00:21: [ctft] Section: Fourier Transform and Frequency Spectra of Functions
- 00:21—02:25: [ctft] The Frequency-Domain Perspective on Functions
- 02:25—04:40: [ctft] Fourier Transform and Frequency Spectra
- 04:40—05:55: [ctft] Fourier Transform and Frequency Spectra (Continued 1)
- 05:55—08:26: [ctft] Fourier Transform and Frequency Spectra (Continued 2)
- 08:26—13:31: [ctft] Example 6.30
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5A) Exercise 6.10 a [find frequency/magnitude/phase spectrum]
- 13:31—15:03: [ctft] Frequency Spectra of Real Functions
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 5A.
- 15:03—19:02: [ctft] Bandwidth
CT Fourier Transform — Fourier Transform and LTI Systems
- 00:00—00:35: [ctft] Section: Fourier Transform and LTI Systems
- 00:35—02:35: [ctft] Frequency Response of LTI Systems
- 02:35—04:08: [ctft] Frequency Response of LTI Systems (Continued 1)
- 04:08—04:53: [ctft] Frequency Response of LTI Systems (Continued 2)
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5B) Exercise 6.201 a b c [MATLAB: calculate frequency response]
- 04:53—05:49: [ctft] Block Diagram Representations of LTI Systems
- 05:49—07:37: [ctft] Interconnection of LTI Systems
- 07:37—09:19: [ctft] LTI Systems and Differential Equations
1.3.9 Week 9: Oct 28 — Nov 01, 2024¶ Lecture 24: Tue Oct 29, 2024¶
CONTINUED: CT Fourier Transform — Fourier Transform and LTI Systems
CT Fourier Transform — Application: Filtering
- 00:00—00:19: [ctft] Section: Application: Filtering
- 00:19—01:31: [ctft] Filtering
- 01:31—01:33: [ctft] Ideal Lowpass Filter
- 01:33—01:35: [ctft] Ideal Highpass Filter
- 01:35—01:48: [ctft] Ideal Bandpass Filter
- 01:48—06:25: [ctft] Example 6.38
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5B) Exercise 6.16 a [filtering]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5B) Exercise 6.203 a b c d [MATLAB: filters]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5B) Problem M.1 (from assignment handout) [MATLAB: filtering]
CT Fourier Transform — Application: Circuit Analysis
- 00:00—00:19: [ctft] Section: Application: Circuit Analysis
- 00:19—02:00: [ctft] Electronic Circuits
- 02:00—03:05: [ctft] Resistors
- 03:05—04:24: [ctft] Inductors
- 04:24—05:52: [ctft] Capacitors
- 05:52—07:46: [ctft] Circuit Analysis with the Fourier Transform
- 07:46—17:49: [ctft] Example 6.40
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5B) Exercise 6.17 a b c d [circuit analysis, frequency response, impulse response]
CT Fourier Transform — Application: Amplitude Modulation
- 00:00—00:46: [ctft] Section: Application: Amplitude Modulation (AM)
- 00:46—04:16: [ctft] Motivation for Amplitude Modulation (AM)
- 04:16—09:21: [ctft] Trivial Amplitude Modulation (AM) System
- 09:21—10:06: [ctft] Trivial Amplitude Modulation (AM) System: Example
- 10:06—12:58: [ctft] Double-Sideband Suppressed-Carrier (DSB-SC) AM
- 12:58—16:14: [ctft] Example: Analysis of DSB-SC AM — Transmitter
- 16:14—21:13: [ctft] Example: Analysis of DSB-SC AM — Receiver Lecture 25: Wed Oct 30, 2024¶
CONTINUED: CT Fourier Transform — Application: Amplitude Modulation
- 21:13—24:19: [ctft] Example: Analysis of DSB-SC AM — Complete System
- 24:19—26:46: [ctft] Example: Analysis of DSB-SC AM — Spectra
- 26:46—27:48: [ctft] Single-Sideband Suppressed-Carrier (SSB-SC) AM
- 27:48—28:55: [ctft] SSB-SC AM: Example
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5B) Exercise 6.24 a b [amplitude modulation]
CT Fourier Transform — Application: Sampling and Interpolation
- 00:00—00:31: [ctft] Section: Application: Sampling and Interpolation
- 00:31—02:19: [ctft] Sampling and Interpolation
- 02:19—03:35: [ctft] Periodic Sampling
- 03:35—06:49: [ctft] Invertibility of Sampling
- 06:49—09:16: [ctft] Model of Sampling
- 09:16—10:41: [ctft] Model of Sampling: Various Signals
- 10:41—13:12: [ctft] Model of Sampling: Invertibility of Sampling Revisited
- 13:12—15:15: [ctft] Model of Sampling: Characterization
- 15:15—16:37: [ctft] Analysis of Sampling — Multiplication by a Periodic Impulse Train (Part 1)
- 16:37—18:59: [ctft] Analysis of Sampling — Fourier Series for a Periodic Impulse Train
- 18:59—20:15: [ctft] Analysis of Sampling — Multiplication by a Periodic Impulse Train (Part 2)
- 20:15—22:34: [ctft] Model of Sampling: Aliasing
- 22:34—26:38: [ctft] Model of Sampling: Aliasing (Continued)
- 26:38—28:43: [ctft] Model of Interpolation
- 28:43—30:33: [ctft] Sampling Theorem
- 30:33—33:16: [ctft] Example 6.41
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 5B.
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5B) Exercise 6.26 a b c [sampling]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 5B) Exercise 6.27 a b [sampling]
- NOTE : Assignment 5A: Due approximately on the day of today's lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline. Lecture 26: Fri Nov 01, 2024¶
- Partial Fraction Expansions (PFEs)
- 00:00—00:10: [pfe] Unit: Partial Fraction Expansions (PFEs)
- 00:10—00:55: [pfe] Motivation for PFEs
- 00:55—01:53: [pfe] Strictly-Proper Rational Functions
- 01:53—03:28: [pfe] Partial Fraction Expansions (PFEs) [CT and DT Contexts]
- 03:28—04:39: [pfe] Simple-Pole Case [CT and DT Contexts]
- 04:39—07:13: [pfe] Example B.1
- 07:13—09:24: [pfe] Repeated-Pole Case [CT and DT Contexts]
- 09:24—12:49: [pfe] Example B.2
- NOTE : Assignment 5B: Due approximately on the day of today's lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline.
1.3.10 Week 10: Nov 04—08, 2024¶ Lecture 27: Tue Nov 05, 2024¶
Laplace Transform — Introduction
Laplace Transform — Laplace Transform
- 00:00—00:15: [lt] Section: Laplace Transform
- 00:15—02:07: [lt] (Bilateral) Laplace Transform
- 02:07—03:18: [lt] Bilateral and Unilateral Laplace Transforms
- 03:18—06:22: [lt] Relationship Between Laplace and Fourier Transforms
- 06:22—07:40: [lt] Derivation: LT FT Relationship (Special Case)
- 07:40—08:54: [lt] Derivation: LT FT Relationship (General Case)
- 08:54—09:08: [lt] Laplace Transform Examples
- 09:08—13:36: [lt] Example 7.3
- 13:36—18:20: [lt] Example 7.4
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6A) Exercise 7.1 c [find Laplace transform by first principles]
Laplace Transform — Region of Convergence
- 00:00—00:26: [lt] Section: Region of Convergence (ROC)
- 00:26—01:21: [lt] Left-Half Plane (LHP)
- 01:21—02:08: [lt] Right-Half Plane (RHP)
- 02:08—02:49: [lt] Intersection of Sets
- 02:49—03:45: [lt] Adding a Scalar to a Set
- 03:45—05:22: [lt] Multiplying a Set by a Scalar
- 05:22—06:06: [lt] Region of Convergence (ROC)
- 06:06—07:23: [lt] ROC Property 1: General Form
- 07:23—08:38: [lt] ROC Property 2: Rational Laplace Transforms
- 08:38—09:38: [lt] ROC Property 3: Finite-Duration Functions
- 09:38—10:56: [lt] ROC Property 4: Right-Sided Functions
- 10:56—12:13: [lt] ROC Property 5: Left-Sided Functions
- 12:13—13:17: [lt] ROC Property 6: Two-Sided Functions
- 13:17—15:20: [lt] ROC Property 7: More on Rational Laplace Transforms
- 15:20—17:11: [lt] General Form of the ROC
- 17:11—23:28: [lt] Example 7.7
Laplace Transform — Properties of the Laplace Transform Lecture 28: Wed Nov 06, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required. Lecture 29: Fri Nov 08, 2024¶
- NOTE : This is the approximate date of Exam 4 (CT Fourier Transform).
1.3.11 Week 11: Nov 11—15, 2024¶ Holiday: Mon Nov 11, 2024¶ Reading Break: Tue Nov 12, 2024¶ Reading Break: Wed Nov 13, 2024¶ Lecture 30: Fri Nov 15, 2024¶
- CONTINUED: Laplace Transform — Properties of the Laplace Transform
- 09:57—14:41: [lt] Example 7.9
- 14:41—15:42: [lt] Time-Domain Shifting
- 15:42—17:16: [lt] Example 7.10
- 17:16—18:56: [lt] Laplace-Domain Shifting
- 18:56—22:37: [lt] Example 7.11
- 22:37—24:31: [lt] Time-Domain/Laplace-Domain Scaling
- 24:31—28:13: [lt] Example 7.12
- 28:13—29:14: [lt] Conjugation
- 29:14—33:07: [lt] Example 7.13
- 33:07—35:22: [lt] Time-Domain Convolution
- 35:22—37:48: [lt] Example 7.14
- 37:48—40:16: [lt] Time-Domain Differentiation
- 40:16—41:43: [lt] Example 7.15
- 41:43—42:37: [lt] Laplace-Domain Differentiation
- 42:37—44:29: [lt] Example 7.16
- 44:29—46:56: [lt] Time-Domain Integration
- 46:56—49:13: [lt] Example 7.17
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6A) Exercise 7.2 b c d e [find Laplace transform]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6A) Exercise 7.4 a [find Laplace transform (from graph)]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6A) Exercise 7.5 e [find Laplace transform]
- 49:13—51:23: [lt] Initial Value Theorem
- 51:23—53:36: [lt] Final Value Theorem
- 53:36—55:26: [lt] Example 7.18
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6A) Exercise 7.6 a b [initial/final value theorem]
1.3.12 Week 12: Nov 18—22, 2024¶ Lecture 31: Tue Nov 19, 2024¶
CONTINUED: Laplace Transform — Properties of the Laplace Transform
Laplace Transform — Determination of Inverse Laplace Transform
- 00:00—00:10: [lt] Section: Determination of Inverse Laplace Transform
- 00:10—01:18: [lt] Finding Inverse Laplace Transform
- 01:18—09:55: [lt] Example 7.27
- 09:55—20:16: [lt] Example 7.28
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 6A.
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6A) Exercise 7.10 d [find inverse Laplace transform]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6A) Exercise 7.12 [find inverse Laplace transform]
Laplace Transform — Laplace Transform and LTI Systems
- 00:00—00:37: [lt] Section: Laplace Transform and LTI Systems
- 00:37—03:08: [lt] System Function of LTI Systems
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.202 a b [MATLAB: impulse/step response]
- 03:08—03:58: [lt] Block Diagram Representations of LTI Systems
- 03:58—05:47: [lt] Interconnection of LTI Systems
- 05:47—09:14: [lt] Causality
- 09:14—12:31: [lt] Example 7.31
- 12:31—15:22: [lt] BIBO Stability
- 15:22—17:24: [lt] Example 7.32
- 17:24—19:24: [lt] Example 7.33
- 19:24—23:38: [lt] Example 7.34
- 23:38—26:01: [lt] Invertibility Lecture 32: Wed Nov 20, 2024¶
CONTINUED: Laplace Transform — Laplace Transform and LTI Systems
- 26:01—27:53: [lt] Example 7.35
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.18 [inverse systems and system function]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.20 [communication systems, equalization]
- 27:53—29:51: [lt] LTI Systems and Differential Equations
- 29:51—31:39: [lt] Example 7.36
- 31:39—33:11: [lt] Example 7.37
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.13 a [system function to differential equation]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.14 a [differential equation to system function]
- 26:01—27:53: [lt] Example 7.35
Laplace Transform — Application: Circuit Analysis
- 00:00—00:12: [lt] Section: Application: Circuit Analysis
- 00:12—01:15: [lt] Electronic Circuits
- 01:15—01:17: [lt] Resistors
- 01:17—01:19: [lt] Inductors
- 01:19—01:24: [lt] Capacitors
- 01:24—03:25: [lt] Circuit Analysis With the Laplace Transform
- 03:25—15:42: [lt] Example 7.38
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.17 a b c d [circuit analysis, stability analysis, step response]
Laplace Transform — Application: Design and Analysis of Control Systems
- 00:00—00:13: [lt] Section: Application: Design and Analysis of Control Systems
- 00:13—02:35: [lt] Control Systems
- 02:35—05:27: [lt] Feedback Control Systems
- 05:27—07:40: [lt] Stability Analysis of Feedback Systems
- 07:40—08:52: [lt] Example 7.40 — Stabilization Example: Unstable Plant
- 08:52—11:04: [lt] Example 7.40 — Stabilization Example: Using Pole-Zero Cancellation
- 11:04—13:42: [lt] Example 7.40 — Stabilization Example: Using Feedback (1)
- 13:42—17:04: [lt] Example 7.40 — Stabilization Example: Using Feedback (2)
- 17:04—17:55: [lt] Example 7.40 — Stabilization Example: Using Feedback (3)
- 17:55—20:12: [lt] Example 7.40 — Remarks on Stabilization Via Pole-Zero Cancellation
- 20:12—29:03: [lt] Exercise 7.30
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.16 a b [stability analysis]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.201 a b [MATLAB: stability analysis]
- NOTE : Assignment 6A: Due approximately sometime between the day of today's lecture and the day of the next lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline. Lecture 33: Fri Nov 22, 2024¶
- Laplace Transform — Unilateral Laplace Transform
- 00:00—00:32: [lt] Section: Unilateral Laplace Transform
- 00:32—03:15: [lt] Unilateral Laplace Transform
- 03:15—05:40: [lt] Inversion of the Unilateral Laplace Transform
- 05:40—07:39: [lt] Unilateral Versus Bilateral Laplace Transform
- 07:39—09:14: [lt] Properties of the Unilateral Laplace Transform
- 09:14—10:21: [lt] Unilateral Laplace Transform Pairs
- 10:21—11:31: [lt] Solving Differential Equations Using the Unilateral Laplace Transform
- 11:31—14:25: [lt] Example 7.42
- 14:25—20:51: [lt] Example 7.43
- NOTE : This video completes the coverage of material for Assignment 6B.
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.21 a [solve differential equation]
- NOTE : Complete (Assignment 6B) Exercise 7.22 a b [solve differential equation for circuit]
1.3.13 Week 13: Nov 25—29, 2024¶ Lecture 34: Tue Nov 26, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required.
- NOTE : Assignment 6B: Due approximately on the day of today's lecture. Consult the Brightspace site for the precise submission deadline. Lecture 35: Wed Nov 27, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required. Lecture 36: Fri Nov 29, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required.
1.3.14 Week 14: Dec 02—06, 2024¶ Lecture 37: Tue Dec 03, 2024¶
- NOTE : No video lecture viewing is required. Lecture 38: Wed Dec 04, 2024¶
- NOTE : This is the approximate date of Exam 5 (Laplace Transform).